
The Canada Industrial Relations Board continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation across the country, including the recommendations of governments and public health units. Our primary focus is the health and safety of Board members, staff, parties, their representatives, and witnesses who appear before the Board, as well as the public.

Please visit this website for more information as the COVID-19 situation evolves or call our toll-free number at 1-800-575-9696.

COVID-19 instructions and interim measures

Office courses

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Board regional offices are closed to the public. The offices are open by appointment only. The Board is currently operating both remotely and in-person at Board offices. Board officers remain available to respond to questions, provide information, and conduct mediations and hearings. Parties wishing to meet with a Board officer in person can make that request to the Industrial Relations Officer assigned to their file or by calling our toll-free number above.

    Radio broadcasting. Low-angle view of a telecommunications broadcasting tower.

    Filing of Documents

    We strongly recommend that all documents be filed using the Board’s E-Filing Web Portal. This method is easy to use and similar to sending an email. It is the best and quickest way to make sure that submissions are received by the Board. Filing by email will be accepted on an exceptional basis.

    The Board’s regional offices in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver do not accept mail. Persons presenting themselves in person may not receive a response. All mail or courier deliveries should be sent to the Ottawa address of the Board. 

    If there are any concerns or problems using these methods of filing, please contact the toll-free number above to make alternative arrangements. 

    The Board expects submissions to be filed within the established timelines. Parties requiring more time should write to the Board and ask for an extension of the due date. 

      Certifications, Revocations and Representation votes

      Applications for certification or revocation of a trade union must be filed using the Board’s E-Filing Web Portal. The applications must be accompanied by photocopies of the membership evidence or the confidential employee statements. The applicant must keep the originals. The Board may request the applicants to produce all or part of the original membership evidence or employee statements during its investigation. For questions regarding these applications, please contact one of our Industrial Relations Officers.

      Representation votes may be conducted electronically, with both web-based and telephone options for casting a ballot. Hearings, Case Management Conferences, Meetings and Mediations

      For the foreseeable future, oral hearings and mediations will continue to proceed by video conference unless an in-person meeting is specifically required by the Board. Parties may be invited to make representations to the Board on the format of the hearing. 

      The Board will continue with its established practice of deciding a significant number of cases based solely on written submissions.

      Case management conferences and meetings are normally held by teleconference or video conference. 

      The following protocols have been developed to guide the Board and the parties when participating in a virtual or in-person proceeding: