Terms of Reference of the Client Consultation Committee for the CIRB
Proposed Amendments–2019
1. The Canada Industrial Relations Board (the CIRB or the Board) established a consultation process for the purpose of canvassing the labour-management community with respect to their expectations regarding industrial relations and human resource issues that concern them. This ongoing dialogue between the Board and the labour-management community will focus on the Board’s mandate vis-à-vis the administration of the Canada Labour Code, including free collective bargaining and the constructive settlement of disputes and differences in the federal jurisdiction.
2. The Board, as represented by its Chairperson and selected officials, will meet with the CIRB Client Consultation Committee (the Committee) twice a year. The Committee is comprised of the following members:
Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers (CALL)—2 members
Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)—2 members
Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN)—1 member
Largest union representing employees in federal jurisdiction that is not a CLC member (currently Unifor)—1 member
Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE)—2 members
Federally Regulated Employers in Transportation and Communications Organization (FETCO)—3 members
Canadian Bankers Association—1 member
Committee members will represent their respective organizations for a term of two years. Members can sit for more than one term.
3. The Committee’s purpose is to provide the Board with its members’ views, feedback and suggestions regarding the following issues:
- the role the Board plays in the continuing development of effective labour-management relations in the federal jurisdiction;
- general trends in the administration, application and interpretation of the Canada Labour Code (the Code) by the Board;
- possible or proposed amendments to the Code and any relevant Regulations in relation to matters falling within the Board’s jurisdiction;
- the services provided by the Board to the labour-management community
- the Board’s process to identify outside adjudicators for the purpose of section 12.001 of the Code.
- the Board’s practices, policies and performance.
4. The Committee will hold discussions and exchange suggestions, advice, recommendations, views, solutions and comments openly, in an environment that guarantees full confidentiality.