Welcome to the Board’s new website!

On this website, you will find updated content in an easy-to-read, easy-to-find format that we hope will meet the needs of all visitors. 

Information on each of the Board’s areas of responsibility is accessible from the home page, along with quick links to the most visited locations: 

  • File a document;
  • Find a form; and
  • Find a decision. 

For visitors who are unfamiliar with the Board, the ‘Where Do I Start?’ link will take you through a series of questions that will lead you to the information that you are looking for. There is also a link to the Mediation page, where the Board’s mediation process is explained, including how it works and its advantages. Our section on Board Performance and our Operational Update will help you find up-to-date information about the Board.

Do not hesitate to let us know how the new website is working for you! Send us a message here with your feedback or participate in this short survey.